Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Despite the fact that one of my friends claims to have been rundown by a car Road Warrior style, Bethnal Green is perhaps not as bad as I've portrayed it. For one thing, there is York Hall right around the block.

Then there is Brick Lane... it's about a mile away, but a pretty cool place. Initially, it was famous as being full of Bengali restaurants and stores (Bengali food being synonymous with "Indian food" here in the UK). Those are still there. Some of them are pretty good. Those are full. The others send "touters" into the street to try and lure you in. A few pretty good bakeries too. More surprising is that the north end of the road is still Jewish. There are two 24 hour bagel (beigel) stores there. There are also multiple trendy clothes stores and a store that sells vespas (do I even need to state how trendy that is?). There there is some sort of warehouse that houses multiple clubs. They are so cool as compared to me that I can't even find the entrance.

If I walk the OTHER direction from my flat...down Roman Road instead of Bethnal Green Road (for yet another mile), there is a pretty cool Caribbean restaurant where the cook has thick dreadlocks and upon hearing your reply to his queries regarding the quality of the food (it's good) responds, "Yah Mon!". Then there is a victorian era pie shop where one can get mystery meat pie and jellied eels (haven't tried that out yet). And lest I forget, a really trendy Italian coffee shop with hot Serbian waitresses... and good proscuitto i formaggi sandwiches (and even better desserts).

Too bad this is all such a long walk away... and in between are a only a dozen crappy chinese take outs (with names like Suey Hong) and Halal Fried Chicken (which may or may not be a chain or just stating that their chicken is halal). Interestingly enough...both types of restaurants decorate for the season. The HFC has Christmas lights in its window and Suey Hong even has a Christmas tree!

14.11.00 googly eyed stoned chick 0rz


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