Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum.

Friday, December 23, 2005

******King Kong is about sex. Plain and Simple.

Since there is no need to tell people whether this movie is good or bad (I loved it...Jack Black self-aware sarcasm was the only weak point...it was quite anachronistic... BUT... fighting dinosaurs and the Depression? They had me right there). I will preface this also by saying that I saw this film at the expensive theatre in Leicester Square.. and Danny Devito was there to see it too! He was there with a girl who was apparently his daughter and had the misfortune to have inherited his height (5'1'' MAX) and Rhea Pearlman's looks. That is a really horrible thing to say, but I don' think too many girls are afraid to look at me and say, "Look at that guy with Caracalla's looks, George the Animal Steele's body, and King Kong's hair," so this is a bit of cosmic balance. And at least little Devito will also inherit her parents substantial monies...and maybe even their sense of comedic timing.

But back to Kong. This movie had NOTHING to do with race. The "civilized" go to the ends of the earth and find "black" people...but truly BLACK people...not brown like Africans. Furthermore, they dont' have African features... they are whites and Maoris painted black. This is once again following in the tradition of Mandeville, where black primitives and dragons live out in the Indian Ocean.

The movie has everything to do with society, the biological imperative, and how they conspire to keep a guy away from the girl he wants. Here you have a large feral beast, happy in his solitude, and going about his life in a way that is in harmony with his nature. And what happens? Society plops a beautiful maiden down in front of his very eyes. It may seem as if she's not willing, but it is all part of a trap. She thrills from this exposure as much as the society that ultimately profits from it.

She is beautiful. She is talented. She is clever. Her parents rule a province the size of Germany (oops, wrong story). But what can the hirsute creature do? He is compelled by his nature to desire her. So he tries to take her to a place where they can relate to each other. To his intellectual domain.

But once he is there, there will be others. He must struggle against giant lizards who will try to take her from him. He must shatter their mandibles and crack their skulls.

And how is he repaid for all of this? The pretty men will come and she will go with THEM. What can a giant gorilla do? He is captured, compelled to enter their world. A world that will humiliate and bind him. Where he will be subject to the gawking amusement of the masses.

He can break free. He can try and TAKE the woman. He can climb the Empire State Building... Surmounting civilization itself! But in the end, the pretty little man will take the girl...and the biplanes of social order will knock him down. And he will fall to his miserable death... alone, and without that which was his sole purpose in undertaking his burdens.

At least King Kong got to go ice skating with the girl! 0rz!

??/??/? The two Buffett Queens 0rz


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