Asinus asinorum in saecula saeculorum.

Friday, December 30, 2005

******Back in London. I had the fortune to be on a plane, once again, with a high school trip. A band trip. Lots of flash pictures. Lots of farting. Lots of noise. Lots of misanthropy.

I also went to see the Degas, Sickert, Toulouse-Lautrec exhibit at the Tate Britain. Usually not my cup of tea, but I have new respect for some of these impressionists (? ok not exactly maybe), even though I still think Degas was probably a pretty twisted guy.

Most of this type of art is extremely confident, even when it depicts decrepit subject matter. But what I couldn't help but be struck by were the paintings of upper class dandies and the other artists. Supremely self-assured and lording over life. Makes a bit jealous to be honest, that some people can live that way. Wouldn't I like to be like this guy:

As an interesting side note, there was a painting of a woman called May Bellfort. She was an Anglo-Irish dancer who was noted for lesbian affairs and her scandalous act in which she danced dressed as a baby. I can only imagine that this was as shocking to Victorian morality as... well I don't know what is shocking to us.

When I saw the painting across the room, I thought it was a Japanese print. When I got close up I realized it wasn't but was still struck by the obvious influence of Japanese themes:

What is even MORE striking, is that May Belfort's fashion sense has apparently become a fad in Japan. There is a style called "Gothic-Lolita" that consists of Japanese girls wearing Victorian baby costumes. You can make what you will of the connection...

??/??/? anonyma on a fine day 0rz


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